Healing herbs

Healing herbs
Echinacea and Calendula

Friday, 18 February 2011

Health Benefit Of Blackberries ... Potent Free Radical Scavengers Boosting Your Immune System!

from antioxidants-guide: In the 'best antioxidants' league table, blackberries are right up there. In fact they are probably in the top ten. As we know, antioxidants are fighters of free radicals. Blackberries are jam-packed with polyphenols and anthocyanins ... what do they do?

Well they can help to prevent cancer and heart disease. Black-berries are grown all over the world and they have been known in the past by many names, such as brambleberries, brumblekites and lawers!Just so you don't get confused (and it's easy to) .. blackberries are not the same as and are different from black raspberries. They altogether taste different and blackberries have a solid center, whereas raspberries are hollow when picked.

Ok back to the health benefit of blackberries. They measure up very well on the ORAC list too. These amazing berries deliver a whopping 2036 units per 100 grams. Very impressive indeed. We are told that a good method to identify an antioxidant-rich fruit or vegetable is by it's dense and dark colours, well just study a blackberry, it passes that test ... hands down.

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